Monday, April 30, 2007

The Delights of Sharing!
Having Tavia read voraciously and now out loud to the others has engendered a fascination for the books in the other two! Love it!
Have a literate day!

Sunday, April 29, 2007

The internet has been a great resource! Obviously, but in unexpected ways as well. In my daughters excitement to play the latest music they have learned to spell a wide variety of words. To type in the title and get the tune they want they have to spell it right!
Internal drive to overcome a 3rd party pressure - got to love it!
Have h-e-a-v-e-n-l-y day!

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Business today
Ah well - the business, while it is going well enough, seems to have lost its lustre for the kids. Probably my error - not keeping it in the forefront of our minds. Note to self - pay it more attention!
Have a profitable day!